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Open House
FRIDAY May 19th 5:00 - 7:30pm
The community is invited to see our class presentations! Meet in the chapel at 5pm to hear the kids sing an see presentations from our classes!
- Potluck Dinner
- The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Movie
- Dress up as your favorite character!
We invite all with the willingness to praise and serve our Lord with a happy heart! Senior Choir Thursday practices at 7pm in the Sanctuary.
MEN OF GRACE: This study and support group for men meets on Saturday mornings at 7:00 am in Room #15. There is fresh coffee and donuts and on the last Saturday of the month breakfast is served.
TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN'S STUDY: We meet in room #15 on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am.
SATURDAY MORNING WOMEN: Join your Sisters in Christ to explore the book of Proverbs. All women are always welcome. We're kid-friendly too! Saturdays at 11:00am in Room #8.
LWML: Lutheran Women's Missionary League does whatever we can to bring the message of God's love to the world. We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm in Room #15.
YOG: Youth of Grace We are a high school ministry that aims to share the Gospel in a fun, safe, relevant way. MEET US on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Youth Room.
Homeschool Co-op
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Fun Bible stories and Activities for Preschool through High School 10:45 - 11:30am EVERY SUNDAY
KNIGHTS and ROSES: An educational program to encourage disciples of Christ, Kindergarten - Elementary. Weekly Wednesday night classes at 6:30pm including crafts, games and memory work.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL : A theme week of Bible Adventure: Click here to see our VBS fun!
JOY: Just Older Youth meets one Wednesday a month in Room #8 for lunch and activities. Please join us!
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